Clancy Days Vendor Registration
Registration open now
Booth spaces starting from $45
Register or Login to get started

Booth types available to our vendors

Single Booth

Our standard offering! 10 feet by 10 feet square. Perfect for small businesses, makers, and artisans.

Double Booth

Twice the space! Measures 20 feet by 10 feet, offering your business a bit more elbow room.

Food Truck Row

Dedicated space grouped with our other food operators and prominently positioned. Situated near picnic-table seating and garbage collection.

Community Booth

Available exclusively to non-profits and other community organizations and fundraisers.

Premium Single Booth

A 10x10 foot booth located in our highest foot traffic area.

Premium Double Booth

The big daddy! A 20x10 foot booth located in our highest foot traffic area.

Have questions? Need something custom? Reach out to an event organizer!

Frequently asked vendor questions

How much does it cost to be a vendor?

Vendor fees are quite affordable. You can reserve a 10 ft. x 10 ft. single booth space for $45 or a 10 ft. x 20 ft. double booth space for $90. Late registration fees are double.

What types of vendors are not allowed?

You may not exhibit, sell or promote any products that are age restricted at Clancy Days. This includes marijuana, cigarettes, and alcohol.

How do I become a vendor?

Vendor registration/signup is online through the website. Please create an account and follow the registration steps.

How many people attend Clancy Days?

Because it is not a ticketed event, it’s difficult to ascertain a specific number. That said, we did an approximation based on vehicle traffic and parking lots at the 2023 event. We estimated between 2,500 - 3,500 attendees for the entirety of the event.

What are my next steps after submitting my vendor registration?

After we have reviewed your registration, next steps will be presented on your Vendor Dashboard. If we have any questions, we’ll send those to you so you can help us understand your vendor application more completely.

Where do I send my registration fee(s)?

Your registration fee needs to be paid online through

Can I pay my vendor registration fees with a check?

Online registration with a credit or debit card is the only payment method supported. This helps us to keep administrative processes streamlined.

What size are the booth areas?

Single vendor booths will be measured and marked at 10-feet by 10-feet square. Double vendor booths will be marked at 10-feet by 20-feet. Please arrange to stay inside that space.

Areas for food trucks will be reserved based on their vehicle size and are not subject to the 10x10 space restriction. See the Food Vendor FAQ’s section below.

How can I be sure my space is reserved?

When you submit your registration, we will do a brief review and followup via email with any questions that we have that help us ensure a quality event for everyone. Your vendor dashboard will reflect this "In Final Review" status during this time. As soon as your registration is approved, it will be listed as "Approved".

Can I request a specific location for my booth?

You can choose your preferred location using our online registration system. We've designated spaces for each of the types of vendors that exhibit at Clancy Days. We design the event to ensure every vendor booth gets sufficient foot traffic and exposure.

Can I have more than one business located at my booth?

Yes, if you wish to. However, each business needs to register separately and pay their own registration fee. We consider a business to be a unique brand associated with an individual entity? In other words a church and a construction business would be two separate businesses, but a retailer selling multiple clothing brands would be one single business.

If you prefer, you can have two separate booths, and during registration choose two that are located side by side. However, you will need to provide the staff necessary for each vendor booth.

When will vendors set up and tear down?

The event is open to the public from 9am until at least 3pm. We close the roads around Clancy to all but pedestrian traffic at that time. As foot traffic slows, we will reopen roads carefully, but not until after 3pm. Vendors can set up on June 8th, any time prior to the streets closing, but all vehicles must be cleared before 9am - no exceptions!

Can I park next to my vendor booth?

Vehicles are only allowed in vendor booth areas during set up and tear down. From 9am through the duration of the event your vehicle should be parked in a designated parking area.

Can I set up my vendor booth the night before?

No. Since the streets need to remain open, setup on the day of is a requirement.

How will I know where to set up my booth?

We will mark the booth locations on an interactive event map that you can review during your registration. Then, 2 nights prior to the event we will mark each vendor space clearly with marking paint and your vendor number.

Is it OK if I plan a booth that will operate unattended?

No. We want event attendees to see your smiling, happy faces at our vendor booths and to be excited about having conversations with their neighbors. We prohibit booths that do not have at least 1 person staffing them.

What if I need to leave my booth for a portion of time?

It’s your responsibility to make sure you have a plan for how you will secure your booth at times that you need a break or are otherwise unavailable to be physically present. Restrooms will be located nearby each vendor area, but direct line of sight is not realistic.

Is electricity available at any of the booths?

No electricity is available.

What is the availability of WiFi or cellular signal?

There is no WiFi availability in vendor areas. Clancy does have moderate cell coverage. It is advised that you use your wireless provider for connecting to any payment systems or other needs, but you should make a backup plan for offline payments too!

Can I bring a generator?

Unless you have specific, written permission you may not bring a generator for your vendor booth. We don’t want to have the noise and exhaust in vendor areas where conversation is encouraged. Battery banks, solar panels and similar are advised. Specific accommodations are available for food truck vendors and can be found in that section.

What else should I plan to bring?

Reserved space is the ONLY service provided by Clancy Days. Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs, shelters, power, setup, takedown, etc.

Should I plan for bad weather?

Yes. Clancy can experience strong winds, rain and hail just like the rest of Montana! Please have a plan for how you will manage your booth during a weather event.

What if I need to cancel my booth?

Please reach out to Philip Downer at the info below. If our vendor booth list is full, and time allows, we can sometimes find another vendor willing to take your spot.

What is your refund policy?

No refunds are offered for fully paid and approved vendor registrations. If, during review of your registration, we deny your request to exhibit at Clancy Days, all registration fees will be refunded.

Who can I reach out to with additional questions?

Philip Downer is our vendor coordinator. He can be reached via email:

Food Vendor FAQs

Who do you consider to be a food vendor?

Anyone who is distributing any food items intended for human consumption and that have any potential to be consumed at the event is a food vendor. Food trucks are a special type of food vendor. Regardless of whether the items are prepared on-site, in a home kitchen, in a commercially-licensed kitchen or off-site - you are a food vendor and must register as such.

What licenses do I need to be a food vendor at Clancy Days?

Compliance with local ordinances and laws is the responsibility of the vendor. All vendors who are selling food must apply for a Jefferson County Temporary Event Food Service Vendor permit. Clancy Days has a great relationship with the Jefferson County Sanitarian and they are familiar with our event, as well as the current laws and requirements around food safety and licensure.

Clancy Days will coordinate with the Jefferson County Sanitarian in mid-May to ensure that each food vendor has obtained appropriate licensure. If you have not, we will not allow you to establish your booth at the event, and no refund will be given.

The Jefferson County Sanitarian will ultimately be responsible for determining what (if any) licenses and fees may apply to you. There are several instances where a license may not be necessary, but we still require you to register with the Sanitarian to provide transparency and tracking if there were a food-borne illness outbreak.

Bottom line? Applying for the Temporary Event Food Service Vendor permit is the first step in ensuring your compliance and you won’t be able to exhibit or sell at Clancy Days without it.

How much will it cost me to register with the Jefferson County Sanitarian?

While every food vendor must register with the Sanitarian, and receive a licensure determination, in general licensure fee requirements are:

  • If you are a food truck who will be preparing items on-site, you are likely covered under your existing Health Dept. license. No fee will apply, but you must still be registered.
  • If you are a licensed cottage food operator: licenses are transferable from counties other than Jefferson County, and no additional fees will apply. But you must still be registered.
  • If you are a home-based food producer and plan to operate under the Montana Local Food Choice Act, which has provisions for non-hazardous items, no licensing fees apply, but you must still register.
  • If you are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and will be selling food at Clancy Days as a fundraiser, fees are waived, but you must still register.
  • If you are another type of food vendor you must register and prices are determined by the number of employees you have. License fee is $85 for establishments with 2 or fewer employees and $115 for establishments with 3 employees or more.

What items can I distribute without being considered a food vendor?

If your booth is distributing small items that are given away, for free, and for promotional purposes - such as candy, snack items, bottled water etc. - you are not considered a food vendor; provided that is not the primary intent of your booth.

Any items that are to be distributed for promotional giveaway must be individually prepackaged, remain in that individual packaging and be broadly commercially available. For example you could be a real estate agent, purchase bottled water at Costco, place it in a cooler and distribute cold water, for free without being a food vendor.

You may NOT distribute home-baked items, repackaged food items, etc. without being registered as a food vendor and following the licensure requirements.

I sell pet food or pet treats. Am I a food vendor?

If you are distributing items that are NOT for human consumption - such as dog treats - either for free or for sale - you are not a food vendor or subject to our food vendor requirements. However, it must be obvious and clear to the customer that your items are not for human consumption.

It is also your responsibility to maintain all compliance and licensure necessary with the Montana Dept. of Agriculture or other enforcement agencies - many of whom have exceptions for small producers.

Food Truck and Mobile Food Operator FAQ’s

What is Food Truck Row?

It is an area where all food trucks will be co-located so that event attendees have a common area where they can purchase from you. We will provide tables, chairs and trash collection nearby so that attendees can make their purchases and enjoy lunch sitting down. It will also ensure that Food Trucks can use their generators without disrupting retail vendors.

Within Food Truck Row generators will be allowed without requiring special, written permission from event organizers.

Space in Food Truck Row is limited (estimating 4-5 rigs currently) and we will request information about your rig to ensure we reserve the right space and location for you. We hope to locate Food Truck Row such that it’s also easier for you to come and go without the issues that road closures may introduce.

We realize that every operator is different, so if you have questions we encourage you to reach out via email -

Will all food vendors be located in Food Truck Row?

No. Only food trucks and other similar, mobile operators will be allowed in Food Truck Row. We may also place a limited number of mobile operators that may or may not have trucks at other locations based on our discretion.

Cottage food operators, bake sales, and non-profit organizations selling food in a retail setting are most likely to see the highest foot traffic and sales by being co-located with vendor booths in a reserved space.

How will you select the operators for Food Truck Row?

We want to make sure that food trucks can commit to attending the event. That means we need to confirm their involvement as soon as possible so that they can plan their summers. To do that we’ll need to have some information about your operation, rig size, menu, etc.

We want operators who have a demonstrated history of serving at similar events. Both the operator and Clancy Days have an aligned interest in ensuring that attendees have a great experience.

We want attendees to be able to select from a variety of different cuisines, food styles and menu prices. This will serve to reduce each operator being in direct competition with one another.

We want operators who have a proven track record of excelling in the food or food items that they produce. In other words, if your specialty is burgers, we would expect that your menu wouldn’t include a Thai dish. Perhaps more likely, if your specialty is kettle corn we would expect that you sell snack items, and stay away from menu items that would reduce the sale of full lunch items by other operators. Where necessary we will request menus from operators we are reviewing to ensure that any conflict is kept to a minimum. We want operators who will give us feedback that helps improve future Clancy Days events. If you’re willing to partner with us to report the number of meals you served and other important metrics that help build a mutually beneficial relationship it’s appreciated. Our vision is that Clancy Days becomes a highly sought after location for food trucks and we can help paint the picture for other operators why it should be on their calendar each and every year.

We want operators that are local, but not at the expense of reducing culinary options available. Our desire is that people come to Clancy Days, not just because of great arts, entertainment and vendors, but also because they know they’ll get great food too. We want to delight foodies, but also convert your average joe into becoming a street-food enthusiast too!

We want operators who will promote their involvement with Clancy Days to their tribes. That means making sure their social media followers and others know they’ll be at Clancy Days and will work to boost the event’s exposure. A rising tide lifts all boats!

The long and short is that we’ll use lots of conversation and discretion in choosing 2023 operators - but the ultimate decision will be at the discretion of the planning committee. We’re likely to not get it “just right” this go around, but are committed to providing both our operators and guests a great experience that builds towards a strong future.

If you have ideas around how we can accomplish this vision - we welcome your input, questions and feedback both before and after the event. Email

Are generators allowed for all food vendors?

Generators are not allowed unless you are a food vendor participating in Food Truck Row. Specific exemptions may be made by event organizers, and must be obtained in writing. A determination will be made after assigning locations to ensure that if a generator is used at the vendor booth location, it will not be a nuisance to other vendors in the area.

I operate from a food trailer. Can I keep my tow vehicle next to the trailer?

Yes. Each area in Food Truck row will have enough space that you can park your tow vehicle behind your trailer. Due to space, it may not be possible to keep your trailer hooked to your tow rig. Please plan accordingly. Any additional vehicles (employees, etc) must be parked in designated parking areas, separate from your trailer. This will allow us to safely accommodate the reserved number of operations on Food Truck Row.

Do I need any additional licenses or permits as a Food Truck?

Most (if not all) Montana county Health Department licenses are transferable and will allow you to serve at Clancy Days without additional permitting or fees. However, you must still register with the Jefferson County Sanitarian, so that their department knows what is being served at the event and who is serving it.

More details are available in the Food Vendor FAQ portion of this document.

We have a strong relationship with the Jefferson County Sanitarian, and they are familiar with our event. We also verify that each food truck vendor has registered with them. Food truck vendors who fail to do so will not be able to sell their products at Clancy Days, and no refund of fees will be given.